Tuesday, November 6, 2012

CIP Seminar/Workshop

After not being around for a while, I'm back. And I'm going to start with my [unofficial]FIRST DAY back to uni.

My formal classes does not start until this coming Thursday but I had to come attend a seminar/workshop today and tomorrow regarding our community immersion program, a requirement and supposedly anticipated event for graduating students.

I would not go into detail that much since it would take me a long time to note everything that happened so here's an outline:

  • Start of seminar
    • L-A-T-E. : It started at 9am. We were called there by 8am
  • Introduction by our dean
  • 1st Speaker
    • Topic: Communication
    • Activities:
      • Relay Drawing - your group will draw whatever pops into their mind upon receiving the paper
      • Stick to what you Feel: Red, Blue, Black - Depending on how you view your closeness to a person, stick a Red piece for those you are close with, a Blue piece to those you haven't interacted enough, and a Black piece to those you have an unfinished business/ grudge/ hate
  • 2nd Speaker
    • Topic: Handling Pressures
    • Activities:
      • String it and Drop it - two straws are tied with a string into a bamboo stick so that it is dangling. A lot of other strings are tied to the middle of the bamboo stick. Try to drop the straws into two PET bottles while only holding on the strings in the middle.
      • Paper Tower Building - Build the highest tower you can using papers without utilizing any form of adhesive or attaching device.
  • 3rd Speaker - was trolled by the electricity. It kept of going on and off whenever he starts to discuss the important matter
The seminar was put into a halt and the organizers decided to continue it tomorrow.