Meet The Blogger! :3

ANJIE (アンジエ)

Thanks for taking time to read my so ever random posts and for visiting my blog!

My IRL friends call me different names, Anjie, Anj, Ojou. My internet name has always been tenshi92hime/ rikachama. It would be a pleasure to know some people from different places, we could learn from one another. 

I consider this blog a lot like a diary but only very few people know about this. If you happen to come by it online, then, I welcome you to read. Here are some things you'll find here:

  • Personal Posts about my life, rants and the like
  • Reviews: lenses, food, other merchandise
  • Cosplay: my costumes, and event covers
  • More rants...haha jk
I'm kind of socially awkward but when I get to know you enough, I'll lighten up for sure. I'm quite the clown when you get to know me.

I like anime, manga, cosplay, and others related to Japan. I just love that country. It's still a shame I couldn't pursue my claim as a japanese citizen when I have the blood running through me. A long story though.

It's my dream to tour europe, either with my friends, or with my parents. I vow to save money for this.

Anyway, it has become this long, you'll probably grasp of what kind of person I am with all the posts I have. Still, a form of communication isn't bad and I would really appreciate it.

Enjoy your stay! <3 div="">

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