Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Nostalgia: Review Days

I already passed the license examination and the next step for me is finding a job. My friends and I rarely meet up and each of us is already focused on finding employment. I just missed how we were still so carefree during our review just a few months ago.

I don't think we ever gave that 100% in studying. That left me a regret I would carry all my life. Still, I miss the times when we would go out and buy every reviewer we find just to boost our confidence that we would overcome the examination to come. Those times, we lived off fast foods, junk foods, and sweets. I don't regret that though it is now reflected in my body...lol

Well, now I guess I just have to move on and become an adult...but gaming and being an otaku will always be there. It's hard to get out of an addiction. I won't be going through rehab though! I'll just be prioritizing things a bit. So now, I guess it's time to sort my life out. Think about it real hard and go down the path I have always dreamed of.