Saturday, March 8, 2014

It felt like a dream - Meeting Ms. Tricia Gosingtian

Yes! Finally. After eight long years of stalking following my fave blogger and photographer, I was able to meet her at last. I went to Ms. Tricia Gosingtian's book signing today at the National Bookstore, SM Mall of Asia. I gave her a drawing I did earlier in the morning and I hope that she was able to appreciate it. It was kind of made in a rush but I did my best!

I felt a lot of emotions before the event started. I almost lost my raffle stub because of being frantic. 

She gave a few words on how she came to write her book and shared a little of her background before all the fame and glamour.

I think people noticed that I was actually shivering standing next to my idol. You see, it was eight years ago when I started following Tricia online. I first became a fan of her photographs when she was still attending conventions. I even saw her on one but unfortunately I lost sight of her before I could approach. Anyway, I kept on being a stalker until she became quite famous for blogging and having a really good fashion style. I follow her DA, twitter, blog, instagram, and as much as possible I keep myself updated. I wanted to go to her book launch and first book signing event but I did not know the way so...great job me. Anyway, I prayed that someday she would hold a book signing event somewhere I know. God is good. My prayers were answered and I was rewarded with a great time.

Talking to her, I felt like I was just spouting non-sense. My mind was blown away and my tongue felt so stiff. I was stammering as I ask her to accept my drawing. It was just a chibi inspired by her that I drew and colored the morning of the same day. It was probably the best watercolored drawing I did so far after starting a few weeks back. I just hope that she liked it. I may be quite inexperienced with the medium but I really did my best! I did!

Oh. We also talked about the adhesive book cover I used to protect her book. I bought it from National Bookstore too! It's a pre-cut adhesive book cover that, personally, I think is a good alternative to the usual plastic cover. I use it to cover my important books. :)

So, I guess I'll end this here and I hope that I get the chance to interact with Ms. Tricia G. again someday.