Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I honestly hated our CI during our first day in the rotation. How she called us idiots, and that it's a wonder how we got through to third year. She won't even listen when I was trying to explain that we did not have that many rotations before so we did not have enough time to actually put our skills into practice.

Most of my classmates were scolded because they were late. Why? Well, they were actually early but was waiting at the wrong place.

We were assigned to the Trauma area. There weren't many people so we cleaned the place, got familiar with things we would use. We even got to place bed sheets. I was able to do an ID and 2 IM injections.

The day was pretty much benign except for 3-4 persons who came later on.

I was almost late. Good thing my groupmates helped me put my things on. Our CI asked us what we have read. My classmate already said most of the things I knew so when it was my turn to recite, I was forced to just tell a really separate topic I read a long time ago. That was a wrong move. I should have just told her procedures I read about. But I was scared...scared that she would drag me later and let me do it on my own. I haven't had experience doing some procedures in real people so it's really nerve wracking.

This day, we were assigned to the OB-Gyne area. Again with the benign area. There were only a few pregnant women and some who have problems with their reproductive system. There, we met two students from FEU. They were kind and easy to talk to but I limit talking because I'm afraid our CI will see us and tell us we're slacking.

Suddenly, we had a quiz. A 100 item quiz. I knew some of it but not to the extent that it would be a total breeze. We needed the help of some nurses in the area too. Unfortunately, we were only given 10 minutes to answer so I was not able to finish answering all of it. I only missed the last item, which is the part I really read because it was related to my area.

I'm not really good with kids. But this time, I managed fairly well. It's all thanks to my Clifford puppet, balloon glove, and penlight!

The pediatrics area only had two patients and they were ordered to go home after the physician received their lab results. We were told to help at the internal medicine area. There were a lot of people and a lot of things to do.

Our official assignment to the internal medicine area. I heard a lot of things from my clients. This is the day we had our oral revalida, epic realizations, a whole drama. I almost cried but was able to hold it in. Then our group went to a little escapade in a nearby mall to unwind. There, I realized this infatuation with my groupmate, bossun. XDD

I'm not sure but we were all expected to flunk this area in exchange for values we wouldn't have developed anywhere else.

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