Sunday, September 11, 2011

Photoshop Lessons & Humanities Class

For the past two weeks, we had lessons about photography and photoshop in our humanities class. I really enjoyed it since I have been using photoshop since I was in elementary school. Of course, I still had much to learn and I did learn a lot from my professor and fellow classmates. Here are two similar works i did, the first one as a trial and the second one the one I passed to my professor.

BG - Credit to: http: b-squaredstock [link] 
Glass - Credit to: http: 'radioPooh [link]

Glass - Credit to: http: 'radioPooh [link]
BG - Credit to: http: 

I know, I kind of messed up the glass but, can't do anything about it now can I. You can find the tutorial for this kind of pic in the net. Just search photoshop tutorial glass shot.

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