Friday, May 23, 2014

Titus iDoodle 2014

***There was only depressing moments here so I went for a change of pace and tried joining an art contest~

May 23, 2014
3rd Floor, City Center
SM City North EDSA

My best friend and I had been into drawing since elementary and who knows when before that. We went into hiatus because of school but we still find some time to doodle around, mostly at the back of our notebooks or any sheet we could find.

I kind of dragged her into the Titus iDoodle contest so it's good that we both had a great time. It's kind of a bonding moment too because we haven't gone out for the whole day since forever...hahaha.

To register, you need to present a receipt worth at least 50php of Titus Pens. It was worth it since the ballpens we got would amount to 70+php. We were the 2nd and 3rd person to register for the event so we obviously got the entry numbers 2 and 3. Upon registration, we were given our kits & initial freebies, namely:
  • Titus Pens (set of 10 colors)
  • Mongol Pencil & Eraser
  • A4 canvas
  • Titus iDoodle Shirt
  • Titus iDoodle lanyard
  • Nametags
  • Food Stubs
  • Envelope to hold everything

So, the contest started later than I expected but while waiting, I got the food and other freebies. Oh!!! It was during this time that my heart almost stopped. While distributing the pizza, one of the organizers actually placed it over my canvas and I immediately picked it up to place in another part of the table. Man, there were only a few of us on that table so the space was quite good but he just had to place it over my canvas. It stained a little but not obvious enough that it would be impossible to draw over it. Phew~ That was a relief. 1st challenge: Pizza Stain = CLEARED. 

Stage~ Look at 'em very generous sponsors!!

Before the theme for the event was announce, I jokingly said to my best friend, "We would be at a disadvantage if they say the theme is about the Philippines because we're fans of Japan". Talk about the angel's tongue...the theme was about our country. I had to think of what to was hard. I never drew much related to my country since high school. I thought of everything I could use. Spending my university days in the center of Manila's many tourist spots gave me most of the ideas I used for my work.

Our works!!! XD
This wasn't exactly what I had in mind but my head just went blank as the remaining time was announced. Pressure really hurts your work sometimes. Anyway, I thought it was pretty common to have this kind of concept so I didn't expect much for my self- esteem. I was just glad that at least I was able to finish the important parts on time. 2nd Challenge: Artwork = CLEARED

Mine (photo credit to beshy)
And thus the long wait for the winners' announcement began. The hosts spent some time asking some questions and giving out freebies to those who participated. They also gave some items to those who joined and posted a selfie + doodle on their (Titus Pens) facebook.

Here is the doodle I submitted with my selfie~
Everyone was asked to come up on stage. While they give out prizes, we were interviewed about our experiences with Titus Pens. The question was changed when it was my turn so I had to come up with something in that short period of time. 3rd Challenge: Q&A = CLEARED

We were interviewed while on stage (photo credit to beshy)
The hosts really wanted to document every moment. A lot of photos was taken that day. I am definitely in some of them. Sorry for looking so haggard.

Photo with other selfie people after getting our gift bags~ (photo credit to beshy)
 The terrible and looooong wait was finally over!!! The time for judging has ended and now let the awards be given. They flashed the artist's work on the screen before announcing the name. After seeing the first few that made it into the finalists, I thought it would be impossible for me to be included. Oh was I wrong... I was taken by surprised when they suddenly flashed my work and called my name. I was drinking and went "whut?!" before I could let the fluid flow through my esophagus. That was a shock. Just when I had given up, something unbelievable happened.

With my fellow finalists. Yatta!!! (photo credit to beshy)
We received a gift pack from Oishi, Arnott's Timtam, Smart C, Canson, Color & Co., HMT Comic Board, and cash prize. Those bags are filled with some awesome goodies! It was really hard to carry them around.

Special thanks to the awesome judges!

With our doodles~ (photo credit to beshy)
So, I might not have made it into the top 3 but best 8 is enough. I had set my goals there and I got it! Thanks to God, my beshy, and everyone who supported me on this day. It's a real boost to my self-esteem right when I needed one.

Congratulations to the winners! I may not have a copy of your works but I have them all imprinted in my mind. I hope that you share your talents to the world. To the other doodlers out there, take a leap of faith! This was mine and next time might be yours~

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Job Hunt & Emotional Turmoil - rant

It's been four months since the official announcement of those who passed the licensure examination. I started looking for a job the moment I got my license, which was two months ago. It feels like years had passed since then. I've received a lot of interview invitations from different companies but I did not get any from hospitals that were hiring during the time. Of course, I also applied in PGH but theirs is just for manpower pooling so even if I pass everything, I wouldn't get hired right away.

The search is really frustrating. I see some of my batchmates who are already working. I do not want to be boastful here but our performances in the board exam wasn't even the same. I was nearly questioned fate. Moreover, I nearly questioned myself. I know there are a lot of opportunities out there but I really want to get into a hospital. Any hospital will do as long as I get to do what I studied my life off. Last month was supposed to be the last month that I look for a hospital job. My dad and I agreed that I would apply as a trainee to a nearby hospital if I didn't get any offers by then. Only two of my applications seemed to have moved a bit forward. One was from OM and the other PGH. No guarantee of being hired...this depresses me.

This text must contain a lot of mumbo jumbo and does not really have a smooth flow. Well, what I am now is an emotional mess. I'm in my moon blood, papers are being rushed, my brother pissing me off with his mood swings mostly aimed at me, my cousin being a brat, needing money, not eating as much, jobless, peers drifting off into their own worlds, my life sucks.

The only thing I appreciate right now is the fan book my aunt gave me. It gives me comfort and even if just temporarily, it washes away all of these unnecessary thought.

Yes, I am escaping. It's like a defense mechanism for me not to revert the way I was, using pain to feel the warmth of life, smiling outside and crying inside.
