Sunday, January 9, 2011

Astrology, Psychology and Whines

Lately, I found myself reading some astrological shit even though I am not really a fan. But hey, I must admit that it has somehow influenced how I act these days. First I draw pictures of sentiments, then I go out of my circle to mingle with those I am not really close with, and actually agreed to go on a mall trip during our break which cost me my attendance in the class although I managed to come late. It must because I let all those astrological stuff to get into me. It says things about how isolation is not healthy for me (how is isolation healthy for anyone?), and I am too eccentric to the point that I am sometimes left behind in discussions. Well, even if there are some parts where I found it kind of puzzling, this one about eccentricity, and being left behind really got into me hard. I know that in some ways, an average individual will really find me eccentric especially in the way I dress, the way I talk, my ever changing voices, and the way I act. I can't help it. I do have some issues that remains unresolved. I know I do but I can't say specifically. Now, being left behind in discussions is something I do experience when it comes to spontaneous groupings in class. Maybe I am too weird, as a layman would call it, to be able to fit in a world full of prejudice. I mean, I may not be the individual who follows the trend of society, the girl who flirts the guy she really likes, the student who just sits there relaxing and being easy going, but I am someone you can rely on when times get tough, someone who is willing to listen to all of your problems even if it has to be in the wee hours of the night, someone who will point out your mistakes so you could correct it, someone who treasures the few friends she choses herself. I just hope people would learn to really get to know a person better before judging what they really are like unless that person does something really untolerable.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Otome Game: Starry Sky in Spring CLEARED!!

Classes will start on thursday, so I thought I really have to fulfill myself before that happens. I played Starry Sky in Spring for two whole days with crazy reading and button clicking while I figure out what to do with the requirements I still haven't finished up until now.

Anyway, about the game, I played Kanata's route first since I find him really cute being a tsundere with that obochama look when the other side of his hair is let down. I had to redo his route though since I failed to get the true end. Luckily, on the second try, I got it. Next route I followed was Yoh's. I'm not too much into deredere so I placed him in the middle. Well, there was a time when he managed to pull out a scream out of me. You can occasionally say something heart fluttering, yoh! I do not mean any harm here, Yoh fans, just my own preference. Oh but, I almost cried when I found out Yoh's not going to stay there with the heroine. That broke my heart. I played Kanata's and half of Yoh's in a day and then the remaining half and Suzuya's next. Actually, I just finished it now...before I began typing this blog entry. Suzuya's route was really dreamy. I wished I had a childhood friend like that. Well, I find him being jealous so cute. Asking about which one the heroine likes more, him or Kanata. LOL.

Out of 10, I would probably give this game a 7. Sounds and Music are really interesting. The seiyuus are great, of course, since they have been the VAs of most characters I find interesting. Character design is about average but not crappy that I would understand Kami's dilemma over yokkyun. Plot's a little too simple since nothing exciting happened, only the drama part when Yoh was about to go back to France. It's also short. Well, not that I want to prolong it with that plot. Anyhow, I would still be looking forward to playing the other seasons of SS. But right now, it's time to work on my school needs...if I want to pass that is.