Monday, January 3, 2011

Otome Game: Starry Sky in Spring CLEARED!!

Classes will start on thursday, so I thought I really have to fulfill myself before that happens. I played Starry Sky in Spring for two whole days with crazy reading and button clicking while I figure out what to do with the requirements I still haven't finished up until now.

Anyway, about the game, I played Kanata's route first since I find him really cute being a tsundere with that obochama look when the other side of his hair is let down. I had to redo his route though since I failed to get the true end. Luckily, on the second try, I got it. Next route I followed was Yoh's. I'm not too much into deredere so I placed him in the middle. Well, there was a time when he managed to pull out a scream out of me. You can occasionally say something heart fluttering, yoh! I do not mean any harm here, Yoh fans, just my own preference. Oh but, I almost cried when I found out Yoh's not going to stay there with the heroine. That broke my heart. I played Kanata's and half of Yoh's in a day and then the remaining half and Suzuya's next. Actually, I just finished it now...before I began typing this blog entry. Suzuya's route was really dreamy. I wished I had a childhood friend like that. Well, I find him being jealous so cute. Asking about which one the heroine likes more, him or Kanata. LOL.

Out of 10, I would probably give this game a 7. Sounds and Music are really interesting. The seiyuus are great, of course, since they have been the VAs of most characters I find interesting. Character design is about average but not crappy that I would understand Kami's dilemma over yokkyun. Plot's a little too simple since nothing exciting happened, only the drama part when Yoh was about to go back to France. It's also short. Well, not that I want to prolong it with that plot. Anyhow, I would still be looking forward to playing the other seasons of SS. But right now, it's time to work on my school needs...if I want to pass that is.

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