Sunday, April 29, 2012

Movie Date~!

Date: April 29, 2012, Sunday
Place: IMAX Theater, SM North Edsa
Movie: The Avengers

Just got home from a movie date~ Got free tickets from my brother so we went to see the Avengers movie together. The film was good! It was really fun watching it from the center seats of the cinema. It felt like I was inside the movie all along. My heart even skipped a beat whenever something comes out flying towards us. Why can't my brain process that it's not coming out of the screen? LOL. As always, Stark was really funny. I also found some scenes that suggested BL *nosebleeds*. I'm not going to say more that could spoil the movie. I suggest you guys just watch it~ :)

Sorry, I don't have any pictures...Left my camera at home since we were running a little late earlier. Also, the movie was sooo fun I forgot to be vain today. Next time, I won't miss the details. :P

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