Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Crystal Lens Review: Aquamarine Bluish Green

Hi! One of the things I bought from Cosmic Bytes Cosplay Shop

Brand: Crystal Dolly Lens
Series: Aquamarine
Color: Bluish Green
Diameter: 14.2mm
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Span: 1 year

 As you can see, the lens' color when in the solution is quite light. Well, most contact lens are like that. I have dark brown eyes so I already assumed that the color would be darker when I put it on. Remember, what your normal eye color will affect the resulting color when you put your lens on. This is how it looks when applied:

And in bright light, it looks like this:

 I took this photo in front of a huge window with the natural light from outside as my only lighting. It doesn't make your eyes look much bigger but the color is definitely different from my normal eye color.

What I like about this lens is how it doesn't attract much attention unless you look really close. It's comfortable enough for me, just like my other lenses. It is much cheaper than big name brands like Geo and EOS, but I think the quality is comparable.

The one thing I don't quite like is how it gets stingy when you remove it. I still need to get used to wearing contacts I guess...

Here is my rating with consideration of the price for which I bought it:

Comfort: 8/10
You won't notice it's there but if you're not that used to wearing contacts, you'll need some time to adjust to this one. 

Color & Design: 9/10
It has a really natural look. The color is still visible when wearing and doesn't make you look photoshopped. But it will probably look a little different depending on your eye color.

Enlargement: --
It doesn't enlarge your eyes at all. This is a good thing for those who just want to experience a different eye color. On the other hand, if you want to have bigger eyes, try some other lens. 

Overall: 9/10
For a very low price, this lens is SUPERB! Almost half the price of Geo and EOS but still works similarly to those two. If you're doubtful of this brand and have the money to get well-known lens, then Geo and EOS is for you. But if you're a little short on funds, I recommend Crystal Dolly Lens.

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