Wednesday, February 27, 2013

4TH BABY!!! Cherry Mobile Flare~

My dad bought me a new cellphone yesterday. It's the hyped of the masses, Cherry Mobile Flare. I'm not going to go into the specifications and stuff, you can find it everywhere on the internet.

What i really want this phone for is to view documents faster, more picture opportunities, and of course, entertainment. It got my attention since it's really cheap but has a dual core processor. It runs fast even if I have tons of apps on it now. Otome games run well too. >:D

It fits perfectly in my hand although they're quite small... What I need to do now is buy cuter accessories for Riefe. Yes, I named my new cellphone Riefe.

The display is also not bad for the brand. Although I admit that samsung still has it better except for the price.  I guess I'm just not going to invest on a phone that has lower specs and higher price.

So far, I'm liking this phone overall...I just need to adjust to qwerty..I've used candybars since the beginning. It would be perfect if only Globe's signal is existent inside our house...orz

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