Monday, June 10, 2013

Rays of Hope Coming from Lucido-L, A Must-Have Hair Product

I naturally have very dry skin and hair. I've used a lot of different products for my hair but nothing seems to address the problem. The dryness keeps me from letting my hair grow longer since it just doesn't look right. It was heaven sent that I learn about Lucido-L Hair Make Treatment Oil - Straight as I browse through Ms. Tricia Gosingtian's blog. This product would be a huge help in keeping my hair's moisture and then I could let it grow some more!

With the dryness of my hair on one hand, doing curls is on the other. As a child, I've been in love with curls. And as I grow up, I like to try different hairstyles with it. But it's really hard to make my hair be all fluffy and bouncy since it's really thin. It would just end up like little ribbon coils hanging from my head. This is why having the Lucido-L Hair Make Styling Milk Curl is a must-have for me. The love for curls must have led me to being one of Ms. Tricia's followers. I just love how she looks and how she styles her hair in different curls most of the time.
 Just looking at these lovely curls makes me want to hold them with my own hands...

I hope I could try those same products too~ Japan always made things I need and want but could only look at.

 ♥ アンジエ

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