Monday, November 29, 2010

Sick and A Late Morning Dream

When I woke up this morning, my body felt heavy and I have trouble swallowing. I slowly rose from my bed and brushed my teeth. I also gargled just to be safe. I used my netbook for a while and read some manga online. I could not last long so I decided to sleep again. During my slumber I had a dream...

There was a school seminar with food included. Preparations were made and there on that event was my friends and acquaintances like Mel, CG, Jan Mae, Reyjim, Raphael, Anthony and also some kids I know nothing of. Everyone tried to arrange the tables and seats. I also helped so I left my things on a chair and table near my friends. After a while, the tables got jumbled up and I got confused as to where I would sit. I found my seat with some kids and a guy who knows me although I am not familiar with him. After eating, some man who looks like a professor of dark magic, started asking questions about scenarios. If my memory serves me right, it was about emergency situations or something along those lines. I sort of spaced out while the others were answering and so I was called by the guy near me on our table. I answered the professor looking guy but he interrupted me in the middle of my explanation and started insulting the lot out of me. I sat down listening to all the gibberish he was saying and when I have had enough, I stood up to him and said, "Sir, may I finish what I was saying?". This made him furious and I was sent out of the function room. I even saw the principal from our elementary school. 

Outside, counselors took my side and helped me overthrow the man who unreasonably kicked me out. Afterwards, I met with my friends. We rode a jeep and demons started attacking us. One even pretended to give a helping hand but bites you when you hold it. It was really scary. Good thing I managed to throw them overboard at the last minute.

When I woke up, it was already afternoon. My body seemed worse than before so I took my time in rising up and took my temperature. It was 38.1 degrees Celsius. I found out I am febrile. I took some paracetamol since I also have malaise and couldn't prepare TSB. I rested for some time before I finally had the energy to even use my computer to browse the net.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Badminton: IN and OUT of the classroom~

We had our first formal badminton class today and we already had practical tests! I wasn't really well-versed when it comes to sports so I kind had some trouble completing my tasks. Anyway, I am proud to have been able to do the scoop, one of the basics, after an hour of practicing thanks to my "bibo" of a classmate, Emman. He told me what I was doing wrong and how I should correct it. Although I got a bit dizzy while continuing my practice, got drenched in sweat, and stressed out my legs, it was still fun. I missed playing badminton ever since things got a little serious in the university.

Moving on, we also had an additional class for pharmacology at the end of our scheduled classes. While waiting for our professor to finish his other class, we decided to have a dare to see who will win against Emman. Three people agreed to have a match with him. I was not part of this though. I was an audience. Back to topic, they played inside the room. It was a really nice rally because there was a handicapped of not letting the shuttlecock hit the ceiling nor the fluorescent lights. The players were holding the racket past its handle. It was so funny how they do it. Everyone would yell when the challengers scores some nice hits and when one of them almost breaks a light. We were ready to flee if such things happen just to avoid having to write an incident report.

Generally, this was a very fulfilling, tiring, and fun day!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Dream and An Epic Failure of A Classmate

I'll first tell my dream. To not forget it, I even wrote it at the back of my notes as soon as I arrived at school earlier this morning. Here goes...

There was an event at school. A rumor was spreading around about ghosts and demons wandering around the campus. I got this information from a boy who passed by me in the corridor. When I turned to look at the boy once more, he had already disappeared. Instead, I saw a little bald child running towards me. I remembered what the boy told me.

"A demon sometimes walks down this hallway in the form of a child. He haunts classes until it ends and everyone leaves the room."
Scared, I ran to one of the classes and tried to blend in with the other students. The child soon got into the room and sat beside me. The child (or whatever that is) is trying really hard to get me to look at him. I feared that if I look straight into him, something bad will happen. I avoided that child until classes were over and I hurriedly went out of the room.

Outside, I saw familiar faces, Mel and Olivia, looking for someone. We all headed towards the school elevator but saw a huge number of students gathered around it pulling and pushing a wooden ram through the elevator doors. They were yelling something like...

"Spirits be gone! Spirits be gone!"

 When the doors opened, one student went in and to everyone's surprise, the alarm sound went off. It was already overloaded with only one person inside. The group continued with what they were doing before and we proceeded to the other side. Suddenly, I got separated from my company. When I saw some other friends heading up the stairs, I decided to follow them. I was using the stairs to climb up since I had no other choice when those crazy students were up to their exorcism. I saw Mary Ann, our class president in high school, and I greeted back when she said hi to me. I continued on to climb up but I was feeling a little dizzy. The railing, the steps, they were all shaking slightly. When I reached the rooftop, my dizziness were so great I needed to sit it out. I only had so little time to admire the scene when a huge shake hit the area. I saw how another building collapsed. The shaking grew bigger instead of stopping. The building were we were at started collapsing, its great fall. My mind told me it was the end and all of the person I met a while ago and everyone I cared for flashed before my eyes. Were they able to escape? Was there an evacuation I had not known about? No. There could not have been one. I am still inside school premises even if I am on the roof. Questions still flooded my head. Will everyone below die? Or will they survive this crashing building? These questions continued until I lost consciousness.

When I came to, there was a man before me and told me that I was fine. I was not sure if he really was referring to me but I remembered the falling building. I rushed to see what happened to the others. I walked over to the site and found two guys on stretchers. Jeff and another guy had survived. Jeff gave me a high five and I said hi to the other guy. Then another guy in a stretcher was brought near us.It was my classmate, Matt. He has a lot of little wounds and the health team was applying some kind of blue ointment on it. I asked what it was for but they did not give me any in depth details.

After a while, my parents came to pick me up and so I bid the guys goodbye and had one last look upon the rubble piled on top of those I knew. At home, my parents served me all things I wanted but I asked for something not in the dining table. It was a squid.

Phew...this dream narration was rushed so it's really crappy. Anyway, I'll move to my fail of a classmate.
First class ended early so together with two other classmates, Mel and CG, we went for a walk around the university campus. At one point, we stumbled upon some posts by the medicine students about smoking and lung cancer awareness. We were reading what they did when Mel started pointing on one of the pictures, asking what that was. CG and I laughed our hearts out when the picture Mel was pointing at. She totally panicked!! Luckily, she has some micropore tape with her and decided to place the picture back in place. We moved closer as she finished to do so and found out she taped it wrong that the picture was 180 degrees rotated. It was totally hilarious if you were on the site. After that incident, we bumped into two applicants for the entrance examination and they asked Mel where they could find a photocopy machine. Mel pointed to the copier near us with NO ONE watching over it. She forgot that it was lunch break so no one would be staying at any other photocopy area. She even gave directions to the applicants before realizing that the areas would be open at around 1pm. Embarrassing? YES.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I needed to finish my visual aids for my report on friday but I was too lazy to even start. I decided to read some manga online. I was in the middle of having fun when I received a message from our class president. It says, "We have classes tomorrow at 7am". And there I thought I could use the time for more research on our subject for requirements. Our professor also said we would not meet but there she goes taking her words back. Argh. It's kind of a drag when you already have something planned and all of a sudden it will be knocked down by someone. I rushed my reports, visuals, manga.

I figured I needed some break so I started playing an otome game I finished long ago. I got to see all the heroes' cute faces again. Ahhhh~ Oh...speaking of games, I finally finished playing GS2 after what, seven years(?), of not playing it at all. I was surprised that I could easily beat the boss of the game now. I had troubles back in elementary. Haha...pathetic, I know. But hey! I didn't even touch the game until recently when I started at the beginning again.

Well, enough for that now...I need to study for tomorrow's demonstration and quizzes. I need to straighten up if I were to succeed in this course.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Start of a New Beginning

I am now of legal age and entering Erik Erikson's stage of intimacy vs isolation. I know I haven't had any experience when it comes to romantic relationships but I am kind of scared that I will not be able to handle both my studies and relationship well. I am hoping that soon I will be able to understand many of my peers' viewpoint when it comes to romance although I am still preparing for my own experience on such things.

Anyway, I'll be giving updates here about my reality and imagination. Just keep watch~