Monday, November 29, 2010

Sick and A Late Morning Dream

When I woke up this morning, my body felt heavy and I have trouble swallowing. I slowly rose from my bed and brushed my teeth. I also gargled just to be safe. I used my netbook for a while and read some manga online. I could not last long so I decided to sleep again. During my slumber I had a dream...

There was a school seminar with food included. Preparations were made and there on that event was my friends and acquaintances like Mel, CG, Jan Mae, Reyjim, Raphael, Anthony and also some kids I know nothing of. Everyone tried to arrange the tables and seats. I also helped so I left my things on a chair and table near my friends. After a while, the tables got jumbled up and I got confused as to where I would sit. I found my seat with some kids and a guy who knows me although I am not familiar with him. After eating, some man who looks like a professor of dark magic, started asking questions about scenarios. If my memory serves me right, it was about emergency situations or something along those lines. I sort of spaced out while the others were answering and so I was called by the guy near me on our table. I answered the professor looking guy but he interrupted me in the middle of my explanation and started insulting the lot out of me. I sat down listening to all the gibberish he was saying and when I have had enough, I stood up to him and said, "Sir, may I finish what I was saying?". This made him furious and I was sent out of the function room. I even saw the principal from our elementary school. 

Outside, counselors took my side and helped me overthrow the man who unreasonably kicked me out. Afterwards, I met with my friends. We rode a jeep and demons started attacking us. One even pretended to give a helping hand but bites you when you hold it. It was really scary. Good thing I managed to throw them overboard at the last minute.

When I woke up, it was already afternoon. My body seemed worse than before so I took my time in rising up and took my temperature. It was 38.1 degrees Celsius. I found out I am febrile. I took some paracetamol since I also have malaise and couldn't prepare TSB. I rested for some time before I finally had the energy to even use my computer to browse the net.

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