Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I needed to finish my visual aids for my report on friday but I was too lazy to even start. I decided to read some manga online. I was in the middle of having fun when I received a message from our class president. It says, "We have classes tomorrow at 7am". And there I thought I could use the time for more research on our subject for requirements. Our professor also said we would not meet but there she goes taking her words back. Argh. It's kind of a drag when you already have something planned and all of a sudden it will be knocked down by someone. I rushed my reports, visuals, manga.

I figured I needed some break so I started playing an otome game I finished long ago. I got to see all the heroes' cute faces again. Ahhhh~ Oh...speaking of games, I finally finished playing GS2 after what, seven years(?), of not playing it at all. I was surprised that I could easily beat the boss of the game now. I had troubles back in elementary. Haha...pathetic, I know. But hey! I didn't even touch the game until recently when I started at the beginning again.

Well, enough for that now...I need to study for tomorrow's demonstration and quizzes. I need to straighten up if I were to succeed in this course.

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