Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why couldn't you stay how you were?

I'm bored. To kill time...I wrote this..directly here...
          Social classes. I have always hated it. Why should people be treated differently just because they have more money than others? When I think about this, I always remember that one person who should have been the only person I trusted from the upper classes of society. It all started three years ago...

          High school was supposed to be the time one can enjoy one's youth. It is the period when you go out of your shell and establish relationships with those of your age, the phase before you focus on what career you would take. But I was forced to go into this exclusive school where I know I would not fit at all. Why you ask? I am a hater of those in the upper class. You can say I'm just insecure or whatever but really, I am not. I just don't like the difference in treatment. We are all people, just the same. We all have organs functioning in our body to keep us alive. Material things should be of little importance. Anyway, I have no other choice because only people who graduated from this kind of school are accepted to the university I want to go into.

         I only kept a low profile so that I would not cause any kind of commotion or blunders or anything. Still, I was the one approached by someone would have never talked to otherwise.

"Good day, Miss Arianne Reviole. May I have some of your time?", asked Jamierre Coridelline, the heir for a world revered jewelry brand, Corlle. I don't know what made her approach me but I can't decline when all eyes are upon us.

"Where would you like to go Lady Coridelline?"

"I was thinking that maybe we could go into my personal quarters. Would that be in your favor?"

"It would be a privilege to set foot in your haven"

          Yes, I admit. I am being such a hypocrite. But I do not want to attract haters. There are a lot who discriminates those who do not belong here in this school. I quietly followed Jamierre to her room. Why couldn't she just say room.

"Here we are, Miss Arianne." she said as she opens the door.

          Her room was much more amazing than I have imagined. It has a really girly feel to it. Even though she is not in high school, she still keeps stuffed toys displayed. She even has a chandelier, a huge television, and ten or more racks of clothes lined neatly like in a store.

          Jamierre suddenly sat in of the chairs prepared in the receiving area of her crib. She patted the one in front of it, asking me to sit down. When I did as she asked, she gave off a sigh of relief and began ranting on me as if I was a close friend. Her way of speaking was so different than how she had been talking to me in front of other students. She seemed more comfortable and free. I was really shocked.

"I never did like any of the other students in this school. I would have preferred to study at my parents' place in France but they insisted I go here because it is more prestigious. But hey, there are no cute guys here! Even if there are, they would be either gay or with a fiancée already. Argh!"

" that why you called me over for?" I asked

"Well, yeah. Pretty much it is. I know you have issues being around rich people. But don't worry, I am not like them, so stereotypical. I do not follow the rules of the wealthy. I live by my own principles. Which is why I am giving you the privilege of being MY best friend here in this institution"

"Why in the world do you think I need you as my friend?"

"Oh, it is not that you need me, it is what I am giving you a chance to be"

"You would drag this on until I agree to what you want wouldn't you?"

"Of course, I would. I always get what I want, one way or another"

          And that was how I assumed her best friend role in school. Only when in school apparently. But as the time goes by, I saw the good in her. She is actually fun to be with. And, yes, she is unlike others. She does not lock herself up in her room, drink tea all day in the garden, and she is not picky as to where we hang out during breaks. The role of being friends only school eventually dropped and we even hang outside of school premises. I like to be with her because I can be comfortable that she would not mock me when we enter some low grade cheap store and I would buy my stuff from there. She sometimes buy there too, saying it was really cheap and a good investment. We shared a lot of fun times together until a letter came from her parents. They asked her to befriend some transfer students to our school because their parents are important customers and business partners in the future. Jamierre, thinking about the future of their company, became close to the transferee. She assured me that we would still be friends and spend some time together but slowly, she began to drift away. Until those very people who just interfered with all the fun ruined it more than before. They demanded to not be in contact with a commoner such as me. This time, I told her to do what they wanted. Jamierre did not approved of it. Still, she was farther than before. And after our graduation, I lost all contact with her. All I know is that she went to a specialized university in preparation for taking over their company. Of course, they had the favor of those transfer students' families.

Weeks after high school, I received a letter. It was sealed with the Corlle's symbol. I quickly opened it and read what it said:

Arianne Moile, this is an order to not speak about any connection to Mademoiselle Jamierre Coridelline for it is sure to affect her image as the heir to our beloved Corlle brand. We will give you a little compensation in exchange for keeping the information to yourself. If you ever break this deal with our group, we will see to you accordingly. Merci.

A day passed and I received a hundred thousand dollars (or as I estimated it to be) in my mail. And that puts me back to the way I was before meeting Jamierre, back to a hater.

Yes, I was hurt. I trusted her to keep our friendship alive. It was only because I was a commoner that it did not work out. Still, why couldn't she give a little effort in keeping in touch with me even if our social classes are different. I am thinking that was all our friendship meant to her. Still, I wonder if I would still see her again someday
I just felt the need to write a very short story since I haven't been writing much lately. Also, I found out that I am now kind of rusty in writing poems! Oh gosh, I was really good back in elementary and high school. So, at the very least, I don't want to have my writing skills deteriorate more than this already. I know it's not that good and the plot's a bit messed up...I guess, it is too much for boredom huh...I need to go

p.s. Just to clarify things, I am not a social class hater nor is this story based on a true one. That would be too grand for me. LOL

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