Monday, February 28, 2011

How a single moment could reverse everything...

This is actually a follow-up post to "What Stress could do to the mind"...

That post was all about hate this, hate about a little positive outlook on life?

I may be inferior in my family, friends, school, in some aspects but I still have some edge on them
I may not be able to enjoy some of my hobbies anymore but I can still find other ways to entertain myself right?
It may seem like I am left out but fate gives me opportunities to interact with other people and get to know them better this way
I may not be able to ask for something I need out of fear of being a burden but through this I can learn to be a little independent
I may not be able to afford something I want but this gives me the drive to struggle so that I will be successful in the future and be able to get anything I want
Some people may have time to complain about things they have, things that I want for myself, but they too could have wanted something I have that I cannot appreciate as well
Some people may have experienced things I haven't but that gives me room for more exploration in the future
That hundred peso worth ball pen must be lying around the house somewhere...and when I have time to turn my house upside-down, then I may be able to find it.
I may not have anyone I can tell those hates during that night but here online is a haven where I can freely express my thoughts and feelings just to share to anyone who has some free time to read what I have posted. 

You may wonder why my attitude on this changed a lot. Well, let's just say that something really good happened. And basically, this is just the way I am. Moody.

God Bless to everyone!

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