Saturday, March 5, 2011


Today was really a great day even if I failed to attend a convention I was looking forward to.

Anyway, I felt great when I was able to read in advance for our pharmacology class. It is a different feeling when you have already read the lesson ahead of your classmates and actually relating to our uber knowledgeable professor. It was also good that there was no pop quiz earlier. What a relief.

Afterwards, during our rhetoric class, we did some poem reading. I was surprised that the piece was Annabelle Lee by Edgar Allan Poe. Poe's like my idol when it comes to writing! I have read most of his stories and liked them all. I was really nervous before my turn started because I needed to deal with my weird voice because of my cough and colds, not to mention that I also needed to do No.2 before that. Somehow, I got through it. While I was performing, I saw my professor reciting the piece with me. That was when I thought that I was doing okay and then I had to stutter at some points. Ugh...I maintained the composure of a professional and continued disregarding my mistakes. In the end, I was able to get a high score. Not only that,  my professor commended me for doing a great job.

I am one lucky gal! Besides, why would I ruin the piece by someone I admire?

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