Saturday, December 22, 2012

GKF Kris Kringle & Surprise Birthday Celebration

Date: December 22, 2012
Venue: Robinson's Ermita Manila & Chicboy Pedro Gil Branch

What I knew of the plan was only a kris kringle within our group. I decided to attend because I always miss out on the group's social activities. I may be eccentric and socially awkward but I want to try my best to interact and create memories with other people.

before we started eating...XD

We first gathered at Robinson's (Rob) to determine whom we will be giving gifts to. Each of us prepared a piece of paper identical to one another and there, we wrote down our wishlist and names. Then we used the fishbowl method to determine the recipient of our gift. I think we had to go at it 5 times before we were able to avoid getting our own names. After that, we split into two groups and went around the mall to shop. I shopped by myself because I ended up getting grouped with the person I got. I had trouble finding the gift my friend wanted and ended up with the first one on the list, colored pencils. I then decided to regroup with the others. I called and they said they don't know where they are. They got LOST. I just strolled around and called them from time to time and when I finally gave up, I looked somewhere where I could sit comfortably. Art's Cream Gallery was the right choice. I got myself a cup of hot earl grey tea and relaxed while waiting for my other companions. When they finally arrived, we wrapped up our gifts and then headed to Chicboy.

Cake~ Cake~ Cake~

 At Chicboy, we had our lunch, a little picture here and there. When we were done with our meals, I was surprised that we have a cake! I thought it was only some sort of tripping but then I saw our names...Mel & Angelica. OMG. They still managed to celebrate my birthday. Although I already had a hint that they were planning something while leaving me out, I hadn't thought they would use this opportunity to execute their plans. How could I have missed it. I honestly thought this was just a Christmas celebration. I know I'm not really a well-spoken person but I'm glad I have these bunch. Thank you Lord for letting them into my life. They're one of the best friends I could ever have.

Us 6~ There are more but they already have plans for today...
I'm still really happy though it doesn't show
 After eating and a little bit of small talk, we headed back to Rob because they still want to shop for presents. Again, we strolled for a bit and before we went back home, we took some shots at the midtown.

Rob's giant Christmas Tree~ Photo by my friend, Olib
It was a really fun day for me. I hope that I will be able to maintain my friendship with them. Hearts for you guys~!!
Letters they made for me for my birthday

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