Friday, May 20, 2011

Add some Magic!!

Do you have those really old key chains and straps you rarely use anymore? Ever thought of just throwing them away but they all remind you of some memories with people you love? But still, they seem of no more use and now you don't know what to do with them?

Despair no more! I also had the same problem with some of my straps and chains lying in my stuffs and I found a way to make them useful again.

Have you seen those really "kikay" girls on television with a whole bunch of straps hanging on their phones or keys? Well, that is very much the concept of what I made. It's simply a bunch of key chains and cell straps together in one package. I added some old bead accessories and some laces I got from a wedding I attended last year.

I used the thingy that attaches a harness to other things as a general holder for everything. You can use this to accessorize plain colored bags or simply wear it on your jeans just to spice things up.
Ang there you go! A whole new accessory made from your old ones. What's good about having this bunch is that you won't be bored looking at it because it's just like a baby's toy. It is made with a bunch of other things.

You can now head out and have fun with your friends without having to worry about what to do with all those mementos special someones gave you.

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