Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I REALLY need to get a life...

[1]I just read this blog on the net and got hit on the spot with what other people say about their experiences. I just thought that I should stop one of my habits when it comes to relationships.

[2]Since this is my moody phase of the month, I came to a realization that I don't really have something I'm really devoted for...or so I thought. I am really hooked on photography and someday, I would really like to own a much better camera (hopefully, a DSLR) than the digital cameras we share at home. Holding a camera is something that I could do all day long and don't get tired of it unless somebody ticks me off.

Right now, I don't have a good camera but I would still like to take pictures of different things.

[3]Fashion is another things that got me good recently. I may not have the body to look good in any type of clothing right now, but, I know what works for me and I'm planning on changing my wardrobe slowly to fit my personality more. All I have right now are some dull plain clothes that would make someone look too lazy to sport a more appropriate outfit. I know it's hard to pull something off especially when I need to be mindful of what I wear since I only commute to and from school. Obstacles are there to be surpassed so I'm going to do my best to buy right clothes appropriate for my body type and for my age. I mentioned my age because I realized that most of my clothes doesn't make me look like I'm eighteen but a twelve year old pre-teen. I'd like to look young enough to be appealing and mature enough to be seen as someone responsible and trustworthy.

[4]Although anime and manga are stuffs I'm addicted to, I need to stop trying to be some half-assed seiyuu when I speak to people. I tend to use different voices depending on who I am talking to. It just makes me creepy and weird. I need to get that out of my system. My real voice is sort of "whole" that you wouldn't know, unless I sing, that I can reach high notes well being a soprano and all.

These are an awful lot of realizations...I really am quite the blabbermouth even on the internet huh. Well, I still don't have a life and honestly, I don't even know what to do to have one. Guess I just have to search randomly...So, cutting it here. -out-

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