Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fathers' Day

When: June 19, 2011
Where: Seasons Restaurant, Manila Pavilion Hotel

We went out to an eat-all-you-can restaurant to celebrate Fathers' Day. Well, it wasn't much of an eat-all-you-can for me because I really need to watch what I eat. The foods' were great though!

Oh! As you can see, I was wearing my Soft Kitty shirt from Just sharing...:p

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Foundation Day

O-kay...I need to blog this before it rots in my files.

Date: June 18, 2011
Venue: Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

Photo courtesy of A.Lucas
The representatives of our college for the PLM Project Fashionista. They wore 4 outfits, each representing one season, and this one is their summer clothes.

Photo courtesy of J. Hidalgo
We had the Dance Mania: Campus Clash with the participation of some students from the college. These people are not our representatives.

Photo courtesy of K. Bautista
The contestants of PLM Idol. Of course, it's a singing contest.

Photo courtesy of J. Hidalgo
The guy group "1:43" came to our school to hold a concert. It's free! People were all crazy to see them up close especially the guy in the polka dot sweater. I'm not particularly fond of them since they're trying hard to look like a Korean boy band.

The band "Pedicab" came to perform some songs. I didn't get to see them start but got to see them end it.

6 Cycle Mind also came and did a huge number of songs. Their vocalist here lets the crowd do the singing everytime he gets tired. They were good though. :)

The activities held at school. We didn't attend some but we were MADE to attend the others. Our attendance was actually mandatory.

Okay, I look like some weirdo saying "Look at my shirt! I'm so nerdy...". Anyway, this was my outfit on the last day. Well, I got my shirt from It has the rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock print on it from the Big Bang Theory. You can see what beats what when you follow the arrows. It has a nice fabric too. Very cool. By the way, I'm wearing an S size classic shirt.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Late Blogging...

I'm currently not in the mood to blog about the events for the past three days so, I'm just going to do it when my head's much clearer.

Sometimes I really wonder what it would be like not to have siblings...seriously.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Good Day, Bad Day

We had our first major subject class today and we already had a pop quiz right after discussing what the subject is about and what to expect. I am not bragging here, but I already knew what was the case that our professor gave when he wrote on the board a certain finding. Even so, I was confused with the symptoms' order of appearance. I am pretty sure I got at least one of them wrong. Then in the other part of the exam, I only got one half-right answer since it was incomplete. The rest, I failed. Hahaha...I told you I wasn't bragging.

I don't want to end this entry in a bad mood so, I'll save the good news for last. What ruined today was my shoes wearing down. The worst part is that I didn't notice until I was near my house. People were looking at me more than usual and I disregarded it without knowing that my shoes was already broken! It was humiliating...good thing I have a pair of slippers with me. This is what they would call "Dyahe".

Anyway, my friends gave me a real surprise today. A LATE BIRTHDAY GIFT!!!!! Yes, it's late, but, better late than never right? I wasn't really what I would say but that would make a hypocrite. I was expecting only because they were asking me what I want. Here are some pics to remember it:

Still wrapped with a card!

My name!!!

The greeting... :P

Their message. It was hilarious. I didn't know that it was on purpose so it really worked.

One of the things inside. I can finally do the "Kurumi" hairstyle when I have the time...kukuku
A clip similar but not that close to Sawako's clip from Ayane and Chizu. I already tried them on and  surprisingly, I was able to combine Sawako's new year hairstyle and Kurumi's side bun. :D
Still in my uniform, I took a picture with the gifts they got for me. Thanks friends!!! [you can see the clips on the pig's ribbon....]

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Last Minute Star City

Date: June 4, 2011

Our block wasn't able to have an outing so we decided to get together before classes starts since we got into different classes. Originally, we wanted to go see the La Mesa Ecopark at Quezon City but later on, it was changed to Mall of Asia. There, we strolled for a bit. We went to some game centers but didn't play anything because there were too many people around. Bored, we decided to go bowling or maybe see a movie. Both didn't push through because we were too much of a cheapskate to use our money for those things. While we were resting inside the bowling center, one of us suggested to just go to Star City. It's near and we could do a lot of things. At first, some were reluctant to go because a regular Ride-all-you-can ticket costs 350 and there were some who don't have enough money. Jade lent us, those who didn't have enough, some spare she has. And so, we ventured inside.
Right off the bat, we rode the Blizzard. It looks easy to ride at first but this one kills the moment it goes down! I didn't expect it to go so fast. My arm hurts like it's injured afterwards because of inertia...

I was actually laughing inside this one. My friends were all being jumpy and screaming so much it was hilarious.

This is a watery ride~ I liked it inside. There were three of us in a boat-like thingy so the weight is not evenly distributed. This slowed us down a bit but eventually, the waters overcame it.

I didn't ride this one since I was still a little nauseated from a ride we had. The others seemed to like it...XP

The one that made the news years ago, the Wild River, made us all wet! My luck was so bad I had to sit in the far back of the ride..I wanted to be in the middle though. Scary and FUN!!!

This actually made me scream a little. What do I do when something gross touches your ear canal? And the most creepy part was that there were no one else around and there are real people mixed in with those made of wax!

The rest of the trip was all the other rides, food, and some picture taking. This the one and only time I came home late that doesn't have anything to do with a convention. My dad has to remind me to contact him if I'm going to be late. I guess I forgot that since he never scolds me for being a little late sometimes.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Back to School Preparation

Hey! Next week will be the start of another semester for me. News were pretty bad about our professor but heck, I'll need to study either way.

Here are some stuffs I bought for this sem~

  • Writing Notebook (1) - I use very little space when writing. Since writing notebooks have another extra line, I can squeeze my notes a bit more.
  • A Hard bound big notebook with 5 divisions (1) - I'm planning to use this for my minor subjects as I doubt I would be writing much when I finally learned how to use the book. :)
  • A spiral "Shirota Yuu" notebook (1) - I just did the cover art myself. It wasn't my plan to stick Yuu there. His photo happened to be the one I got hold of while rummaging through my art materials. This is just an extra in case I need another notebook.
  • Sticky Notes (2) - I saw some really cute sticky notes while strolling around the department store and decided to buy them.
  • Off Lotion (1) - We will be at school until 8:30pm and there'll be a lot of mosquitoes outside when we go home. Need some protection for health & beauty~
  • A red headband (1) - I want to have lots of headbands this semester. I want the nerd and girl next door mixed together.
  • Flower Earrings (2 pairs) - A change of phase. I don't really wear earring at school. I kind of got used to not wearing any because of our duty. It's allowed during lectures so it's fine.
I also washed all of the bags I usually use at school. Now, all I have to do is study in advance because of the professor I was talking about. He gives pre-tests even before he explains our syllabus. //gg