Friday, June 10, 2011

Good Day, Bad Day

We had our first major subject class today and we already had a pop quiz right after discussing what the subject is about and what to expect. I am not bragging here, but I already knew what was the case that our professor gave when he wrote on the board a certain finding. Even so, I was confused with the symptoms' order of appearance. I am pretty sure I got at least one of them wrong. Then in the other part of the exam, I only got one half-right answer since it was incomplete. The rest, I failed. Hahaha...I told you I wasn't bragging.

I don't want to end this entry in a bad mood so, I'll save the good news for last. What ruined today was my shoes wearing down. The worst part is that I didn't notice until I was near my house. People were looking at me more than usual and I disregarded it without knowing that my shoes was already broken! It was humiliating...good thing I have a pair of slippers with me. This is what they would call "Dyahe".

Anyway, my friends gave me a real surprise today. A LATE BIRTHDAY GIFT!!!!! Yes, it's late, but, better late than never right? I wasn't really what I would say but that would make a hypocrite. I was expecting only because they were asking me what I want. Here are some pics to remember it:

Still wrapped with a card!

My name!!!

The greeting... :P

Their message. It was hilarious. I didn't know that it was on purpose so it really worked.

One of the things inside. I can finally do the "Kurumi" hairstyle when I have the time...kukuku
A clip similar but not that close to Sawako's clip from Ayane and Chizu. I already tried them on and  surprisingly, I was able to combine Sawako's new year hairstyle and Kurumi's side bun. :D
Still in my uniform, I took a picture with the gifts they got for me. Thanks friends!!! [you can see the clips on the pig's ribbon....]

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