Friday, April 29, 2011

Released from Agony yet Another begins

[inhales & exhales]

Finally, our battery examination is over and done with. I've been cramming for two weeks and I finally found the meaning behind all those hard work. Even if I wasn't really confident with some of my answers in the exam, I kind of feel good about it. But, of course, I can never be really sure.

It was really surprising when I saw the set of questions. They didn't follow the number of items given during the orientation and some of the subjects I read wasn't even there! Well, it's not like I really read those so I guess it's fine. Oh! The algebra part was really a bummer. It's very basic and I kind of messed up four items. I couldn't remember what was supposed to be done in that part.

Now, all I have to do is wait for the results and hope that God would let me pass this exam. This is another hard part. It really gets to me when I am anxious as to what the results would be. Remember the feeling of waiting for the admission results of your first choice university? Yep. It's the same feeling I'm feeling right now. Although I know that I can't help any of it anymore since it's done and I just have to accept it, this feeling still lingers.

I'm just going to divert this feeling to excitement for tomorrow's party and our upcoming photoshoot. Pray for us!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Freeing the Butterflies

I know~ If I have time to blog here, I probably should get back to my studies for the exam. I really need to free myself of the anxiety I feel right now. It's already the 25th and only four more days before the actual battle. What I'm worried about is not that that I haven't studied all of my subjects yet, but that we had a really bad foundations in some subjects. I am grateful though that the others aren't as bad as one of them but there are still some major subjects that needs some follow up review.

Although I am not not confident in my abilities to pass the exam, as sometimes I pass exams without studying at all, it's normal to get worried because this exam will determine if I have the right to continue on with my course and I placed it as one of the standards for me to continue on to pursuing medicine.

I guess I just have to believe in myself more, pray to God, and hope that everything turns out for the better.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Precious & Rift

Wew...these kind of things just kept on playing in my mind right now. It's like a one-man role play inside my brain. Need to get the ideas out~

"I am the king of my own world but she is the goddess I bow down to. She had been the strength in all my endeavors and a companion in my joy. So tell me, why? Why must she leave my side? Is it because we are too dissimilar? I am withdrawn and she is open to all. She has always worn a smile on her face yet I hardly ever did. I pointed out things that were wrong about a situation when she revealed all the splendor it actually brings. We are like light and dark. Without the light, the dark would would never exist. I would never exist. I could never live without her. She, whom I have already lost, my friend, my darling, my love, forever will stay in my heart and soul."

In these lines, I see a man who has so much love for the woman who has been her guide through his life. I can just see him all depressed and suffering, yet he manages to accept it in the end as he organizes his thoughts. Even though the woman would never come back, he just accepted that she was gone but she will be forever remembered.

"Even plates, no matter how close they are right now, tend to separate. That is how we are. We have gone through the storm that destroyed millions of dreams. We have endured the torture of the tyrant who took the lives of many. We have walked through a blissful scenery. With all the different things we have experienced, we now stand where we are right now - before a rift. Yes, we were close because we had been travelling together for a long time, but as mere humans, we are fragile. Even the earth needs to change its connections, varying the possibilities of its fate. It must be same for humans who only leech off of nature. We tend to get away from one to another. We separate. We reconnect. We trust. We hate. We love. No matter how close, we separate."

This one, I see is a statement from a girl. Her character, if I may describe it, is someone who would stick to facts and reality. She judges things according to the data she has. She lost a person she was supposed to be with for a very long time. I don't know how they drifted apart but it seems like she actually misses the person. They shared all hardships and happiness but they separated in the end. Isn't it a little sad? Just to have multiple  possibilities with fate, the other person needs to live? There are already a lot of possibilities you can have with a single person and it all depends on the choices you make. I am kind of hating the character I thought of in this thought.

Okay...I had it all off of my mind now..I just can't forget about these lines.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cosplay: Marisa Kirisame @ Ozine Fest Encore 2011 Day 2

Event: Ozine Fest Encore 2011
Date: April 8 - 10, 2011 [I attended day 2]
Venue: Mega Trade Hall 2&3, SM Megamall
Character: Marisa Kirisame
Series: Touhou Project

This is my first convention of the year and I really had fun with my best friend, one of my friends from high school, and some college friends. It was my first time to actually cosplay an actual character. I was always doing an original costume inspired by some character but not what the actual character wears. Since it is my first, I wanted to make it as complete as possible so I saw to it that I have Marisa's hakkero and broomstick.

The Hakkero:

I made Marisa's hakkero using some scrap folder from my visual aids last semester, some spare tapes, and a paint I bought to paint shoes.

I was not sure with the center design so I just had to improvise something.

The Broomstick:

I bought mine someplace near our house. Then I just cut off some of the ends to make it more appealing. I had to tie a straw rope around it so it would maintain the shape I wanted. Although it was a bit heavy, I pulled it through.

Because of these two pieces that I had to bring to the mall, I got some pretty good comments from those who took Marisa's picture. They said that it was the most complete portrayal of the character. Having the hakkero made, and even bringing a true broomstick to the mall. I am really glad that I put in some effort in this coplay.
Thanks to those who supported me and who were able to appreciate my efforts today! I will improve my cosplay of Marisa Kirisame when I have the time. I just hope that I won't be too engrossed in my studies to the point that I forget all of these fun things.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Marisa Kirisame's Hakkero..-_-

Hey, it's 11:35pm here...
I just finished working on my hakkero as one of my props when I go as Marisa Kirisame of Touhou on Saturday. I started at around 3 i sleepy...
I had fun though...^^ but it was really hard to do...
I just used some scrap paper, folder, tape, pen, and acrylic paint at home...Good thing I stocked up during school.

Here's my result:

Okay then,...g'night~ XOXOXOXO

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Usagi Ringo

I should have blogged this a long time ago but I just can't find the time. Since I didn't have much to do today, I want to share my practice making usagi ringo (usagi = rabbit; ringo = apple).

Basically, making an usagi ringo is just cutting the apple into 6 or 8 pieces. Then cutting an inverted "V" on one end of the skin. I'm not yet that adept but I got this on my second try...since my first try was too big to properly cut.

Just to clear things up, I'm just sharing my result in my practice so this is definitely not a tutorial or something similar. Hahaha....later~

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Maid Cafe and Loads of other things

Yesterday, we went to Meidolls Maid Cafe, the first ever maid cafe in the Philippines. I was expecting more so I was really disappointed.

  • The place had a nice Japanese feel to it but they keep on playing western and Korean songs all the time except when the maids dance. I may be too idealistic but, hey, it's supposed to be more on the Japanese culture
  • They do not greet you "Okaerinasaimase Goshujin-sama/Ojou-sama". They say "irrashaimase".
  • What you see on their menu is not always available any time of their business hours. If there would be only a time for a food's availability, at least indicate it on the menu so that the customers won't expect that they would be able to eat what they liked on the menu.
  • Be more specific at the themes. Well, it's not like it's really needed but it matters to me. The maids should wear matching or at least similar dresses. When we got there, one was wearing a french maid outfit, the other was in a yukata, the other one what seemed to be a school uniform, and the other a goth loli inspired outfit. I just feel like it's all over the place.
  • The food they serve is not on par with the real thing. I ordered shrimp tempura and what served me did not seem like it at all. It's like a shrimp fried with egg. There doesn't seem to be any breading at all! What was that? If they couldn't do this one thing properly, I would really have doubts on the other things they serve.
I also don't get their "power up, moe moe kyuun" thing. I know and I get moe moe kyuun but that power up really messes things up. And when doing moe moe kyuun, one really doesn't need to stretch his/her hand towards the food...(-_-')> The heart sign should be enough. It was kind of stupid and I would have never done it if they didn't say all masters should know how to do it. In those kinds of places, I am the customer, I am their master, I shall not do things I do not want and they do not have the right to tell me so...UNLESS they're super ultra mega MOE-LOOKING for me. HAHA!

After the maid cafe, we couldn't decide where to have a photoshoot but then settled somewhere we haven't gone to yet. It was kind of a long way from where we were but we were ready. Or so I thought I was. When we were on the bus, I started feeling nauseated. It was the worst and I was really holding it in until we got off at Robinsons Galleria. We decided to stroll around inside instead of going to ecopark. There, we ended up shopping. I bought a new shorts and the nerd shirt I wanted so bad.

On the way home, fatigue slowly got to me and my stomach started getting bad. I don't know if it's the nausea or the food or something else. Among the conversation I had with my best friend, I brooded most on the part where I asked her what was the worst thing she did in her college life. After hearing her say that I am not to know yet, I thought to myself that I should have never asked that question. Honestly, if she'd read this blog, it made me doubt her trust in me. I know people have things they couldn't say to anyone and I have lots of things I am not telling her too although those things are now probably buried deep in my consciousness. I couldn't even bear typing the real reason for this uneasy feeling I have. It would be unfair in her part if she tells me everything but I am hiding things from her right? So, I am now going to drop the topic and try to forget all of these thoughts, feelings, both good and bad. I have always done it, just like Oz in Pandora Hearts. It really is a way to be twisted. It's like you're there but not there. Ahh...I'm going overboard again. Better stop, and not think about it anymore. Just accept it and you'll be able to adapt. Although superficial as it is, it's still better than having to brood over things like that. The only problem is that there would be times when the glass will overflow. I am really ending this here. Ja~