Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Precious & Rift

Wew...these kind of things just kept on playing in my mind right now. It's like a one-man role play inside my brain. Need to get the ideas out~

"I am the king of my own world but she is the goddess I bow down to. She had been the strength in all my endeavors and a companion in my joy. So tell me, why? Why must she leave my side? Is it because we are too dissimilar? I am withdrawn and she is open to all. She has always worn a smile on her face yet I hardly ever did. I pointed out things that were wrong about a situation when she revealed all the splendor it actually brings. We are like light and dark. Without the light, the dark would would never exist. I would never exist. I could never live without her. She, whom I have already lost, my friend, my darling, my love, forever will stay in my heart and soul."

In these lines, I see a man who has so much love for the woman who has been her guide through his life. I can just see him all depressed and suffering, yet he manages to accept it in the end as he organizes his thoughts. Even though the woman would never come back, he just accepted that she was gone but she will be forever remembered.

"Even plates, no matter how close they are right now, tend to separate. That is how we are. We have gone through the storm that destroyed millions of dreams. We have endured the torture of the tyrant who took the lives of many. We have walked through a blissful scenery. With all the different things we have experienced, we now stand where we are right now - before a rift. Yes, we were close because we had been travelling together for a long time, but as mere humans, we are fragile. Even the earth needs to change its connections, varying the possibilities of its fate. It must be same for humans who only leech off of nature. We tend to get away from one to another. We separate. We reconnect. We trust. We hate. We love. No matter how close, we separate."

This one, I see is a statement from a girl. Her character, if I may describe it, is someone who would stick to facts and reality. She judges things according to the data she has. She lost a person she was supposed to be with for a very long time. I don't know how they drifted apart but it seems like she actually misses the person. They shared all hardships and happiness but they separated in the end. Isn't it a little sad? Just to have multiple  possibilities with fate, the other person needs to live? There are already a lot of possibilities you can have with a single person and it all depends on the choices you make. I am kind of hating the character I thought of in this thought.

Okay...I had it all off of my mind now..I just can't forget about these lines.

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