Sunday, April 3, 2011

Maid Cafe and Loads of other things

Yesterday, we went to Meidolls Maid Cafe, the first ever maid cafe in the Philippines. I was expecting more so I was really disappointed.

  • The place had a nice Japanese feel to it but they keep on playing western and Korean songs all the time except when the maids dance. I may be too idealistic but, hey, it's supposed to be more on the Japanese culture
  • They do not greet you "Okaerinasaimase Goshujin-sama/Ojou-sama". They say "irrashaimase".
  • What you see on their menu is not always available any time of their business hours. If there would be only a time for a food's availability, at least indicate it on the menu so that the customers won't expect that they would be able to eat what they liked on the menu.
  • Be more specific at the themes. Well, it's not like it's really needed but it matters to me. The maids should wear matching or at least similar dresses. When we got there, one was wearing a french maid outfit, the other was in a yukata, the other one what seemed to be a school uniform, and the other a goth loli inspired outfit. I just feel like it's all over the place.
  • The food they serve is not on par with the real thing. I ordered shrimp tempura and what served me did not seem like it at all. It's like a shrimp fried with egg. There doesn't seem to be any breading at all! What was that? If they couldn't do this one thing properly, I would really have doubts on the other things they serve.
I also don't get their "power up, moe moe kyuun" thing. I know and I get moe moe kyuun but that power up really messes things up. And when doing moe moe kyuun, one really doesn't need to stretch his/her hand towards the food...(-_-')> The heart sign should be enough. It was kind of stupid and I would have never done it if they didn't say all masters should know how to do it. In those kinds of places, I am the customer, I am their master, I shall not do things I do not want and they do not have the right to tell me so...UNLESS they're super ultra mega MOE-LOOKING for me. HAHA!

After the maid cafe, we couldn't decide where to have a photoshoot but then settled somewhere we haven't gone to yet. It was kind of a long way from where we were but we were ready. Or so I thought I was. When we were on the bus, I started feeling nauseated. It was the worst and I was really holding it in until we got off at Robinsons Galleria. We decided to stroll around inside instead of going to ecopark. There, we ended up shopping. I bought a new shorts and the nerd shirt I wanted so bad.

On the way home, fatigue slowly got to me and my stomach started getting bad. I don't know if it's the nausea or the food or something else. Among the conversation I had with my best friend, I brooded most on the part where I asked her what was the worst thing she did in her college life. After hearing her say that I am not to know yet, I thought to myself that I should have never asked that question. Honestly, if she'd read this blog, it made me doubt her trust in me. I know people have things they couldn't say to anyone and I have lots of things I am not telling her too although those things are now probably buried deep in my consciousness. I couldn't even bear typing the real reason for this uneasy feeling I have. It would be unfair in her part if she tells me everything but I am hiding things from her right? So, I am now going to drop the topic and try to forget all of these thoughts, feelings, both good and bad. I have always done it, just like Oz in Pandora Hearts. It really is a way to be twisted. It's like you're there but not there. Ahh...I'm going overboard again. Better stop, and not think about it anymore. Just accept it and you'll be able to adapt. Although superficial as it is, it's still better than having to brood over things like that. The only problem is that there would be times when the glass will overflow. I am really ending this here. Ja~

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