Friday, December 30, 2011

Mall Picture Action

Date: December 28, 2011
Place: SM Mega mall

My best friend and I went to attend a convention at Mega mall that day. After meeting with my brother's internet group friends, we headed for the event itself. Then we went to look around for a bit. Later, we went to take some photos. I'd like to share some:

We were always really jumpy when taking stair-shots because a guard always came by and made us leave. No one really used the stairs so it makes a good place for shoots. Well, I can't blame those guards, it's their job after all.

Escalator shot! We always do one whenever we're at the mall. I exactly know why but maybe it's because we have to watch out when we're already near the end. :P

Their Christmas decorations were really pretty. It would have looked great at night though. It was still really great. Sorry for posting this late...I have a hard time managing things when I have my clinical rotations.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

A very ordinary and less exciting Christmas this year. There were less visitors and gifts for people. Fewer noises can be heard from outside and the church wasn't even full to the point where people can barely move.

Anyway, I still enjoyed the day this year despite the fact that I'm nearing the hellish point of my study days...OTL Here are some updates on what happened and what I received today.

My brothers watched the Matrix: Revolutions bluray for the first time. They were late on lunch because of this.

Here are some of the food that was served for lunch:
Liempo cooked like Lechon

As always, Menudo!! Omnomnomnom~

Aaaand...Macaroni Salad~
I got a really awesome rock egg from my grandfather who likes frequenting the mountains. He said that this kind of rock could only be found in cliffs. Really rare and has a lot of superstition surrounding it.

How it looks when you hold it like this...

When you grip it tight...
And when you point it in the sky. [good thing my cam managed to catch it's was kinda hard..]
Baby Cousin playing with his new toys he received for Christmas
My gifts!!: Just a pillow, coin purse and hankies...^^

So much for Christmas eh? Well, I'll be writing sometime again this week. Hope to get more photos up by Sei-tan.

Ja ne~
I hope we're a match made in heaven dear coat..I'm gonna get you!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Accessorize Picks!

It's my first time to actually buy something from Accessorize. Their products are in Euro/Pounds so if we convert it here in Philippine peso it would be a little pricey especially for the common folks. They have a lot of cute items especially those fitting the lifestyle in the west but I guess I could use some here anyway.

My first pick is a maroon hat with flower petals accent. It's kind of similar to what Rachel Berry (Leah Michele) is wearing in Glee.

The hat's price...OTL
My next pick is a necklace with pendant charms and feather. It matches most of the clothes I bought and I wanted a necklace with a feather for a long time.

Necklace's price tag
So, I'll probably buy there whenever I get attracted to some of their products. A bit costly but it compensates for the amount of time I'll be wasting trying to find something similar but still different kind of merchandise.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

NEW BABY!! Sony Cybershot DSC-W560

My 3rd baby, following my ellie(netbook) and roise(sewing machine), meet Sei! The specs are in the box, well, the basics anyway...Yes, it's color red~ It comes with a data cable, charger, battery, CD and holder. My brother got it for me for my 19th birthday. :D

More pics:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Just crossed my mind...

I don't know why I'm one of those people who lock away themselves but actually wants others to find them. Then they would start hating almost everything because they think no one would even bother. And so far, no one did.

It makes me remember some old lines from some old movie and maybe even a song...

"Where were you when I needed you most?"

Where were you? Where was I supposed to be then? Am I even supposed to be found or just left here rotting like some trash forgotten in one sealed part of a room?

Stupid hormones going all crazy again....

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Finished Costume

Character: Rhiannon (PS3 version)
Series: Tears to Tiara
Time it took to finish: 3 days
Dressmaker: Me! ^o^

Friday, November 4, 2011

Psych Assessment

To cut  it short, we're having one this coming Tuesday. Yes, a psych assessment. Our prof said it'll lessen our chances of choosing to stay in a psych institution rather than go home especially if we get to see a patient we can associate ourselves with. I don't know about me though. I admit that I have a lot of things I'd rather get rid of in my life but there are some things I don't want to part with unless I'm really ready to.

Then again, I guess, it would also be nice to have someone break your shell that you have no choice but to say everything that's bothering you...I could use one anytime but I really have all these locks that needs to be opened. My load would definitely be lighter if I let everything out yet my mind would not allow it so. Won't someone please just break it?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Report of Grades

Here are my grades for the past semester:

MSN I - 2.75
Phil. Lit - 1.25
Phil History - 1.00
Humanities - 1.00
College Trigonometry - 1.50
Sociology - 1.50
World Lit - 1.50
GWA = 1.61

If I had a different prof in MSN, my GWA would have been higher...but this is good in itself. Although this still doesn't qualify me for being in the DLs, at least I still have good standing as a scholar. Next semester, we will have 3 majors and I am not sure how things will turn out. But I got through a sem with 4 majors so I hope I'll be able to get through this one alive. :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sewing Machine Acquired!!

I was finally able to buy my own sewing machine last yesterday. Since then, I have been using it to sew parts of my costume for the next convention. I realized that I can't always just hand-sew every clothes I need. It would probably ruin my chances of passing med school if I ever get the chance to go into one.  So far, the machine is working fine except for my blunders when I first tried to operate it. I was a real failure but I'm getting the hang of it now. I got the Singer 1409 Promise because I'm still a beginner and it's the only one I could afford in my current state. It costs me eight thousand pesos. There are already some people who wants me to sew things for them and I am still learning some things so I guess, it'll be practice for me. Here are some photos I took with my cp:

I tried this for quite some time before I bought it just to be sure it works properly. I was really lucky that I was the only customer in the store at the time. All of the store clerks' attention were on me and my questions were answered. They even taught me how to do the basic stuff in the manual. Oh, and I actually named my machine "Roise" [Ro-wa].

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Netbook Skin and Headphones!

Since my eldest brother just got back from his assignment abroad, I finally received a new netbook skin and the I-was-so-surprised-for headphones!

You can still see the "DELL" sign on it. My older brother liked this one too. Well, he wanted to know how it was configured. :p Got this from Amazon~

I've been meaning to buy some new earphones since my old one only has one side working. I didn't hear from my brother that he's going to buy one for me. I was really surprised! :O

Love the butterfly and the mirror-like part on it. Reflects my vanity :)) It has nice sound-quality too! It nearly made me deaf when I tried it on full blast.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Okay...there were some boggling things today. Actually, there were just two things I can't get my mind off.

First, when I saw this former classmate along the walkway of our university, he [yes, he was a he] ran up to me and grabbed me at my waist...then he lifted me up while he did a circling motion. It's like those couple moments in movies where the guy lifts the girl up while going in a single circle. My friends who were present at the time called it PDA later on our little talks. It was really embarrassing since he was the first one to do that to me and it was totally unexpected. I was just expecting that he would just pinch my flabs and all. Then he said, "Huwag mo na ko iwan, na-miss kita e". If I didn't know him well, I would think na "banat" yun e..My friends were teasing me for a while. Good thing they managed to keep their mouth shut. If my friends from the other class knew about it, they would tease me endlessly since they were really betting for me to "go out" with that guy. They would definitely consider that as a "kilig moment". Okay, enough about that, I just need to rant that out..:p

Second, I passed our final exam in our only major subject this semester! I was expecting that I would fail it again since I never passed any exam by our professor ever since. That's it...>_<

Two firsts in one day...

Friday, September 30, 2011

If I'm going to be Used, I'll be used with a price

My classmates are a bunch of geniuses with making people feel out of place.

We had this final project for our Philippine Literature class and they made our group look like slaves and a caterers. They're a bunch of fu***.

In the middle of the program, four out of five members of our group felt like we were being used as a bunch of slaves. We were tasked with food preparation and room decoration. We were rushed with everything and with so little money. They wanted 8 different courses and we had 1,200 pesos for our budget. That won't even cut the cost of main ingredients. That's one. Two, they haven't settled on what room we'll use during the presentation which gave us only minutes to decorate the room and present all the food. Three, during the clean-up, we were left to do everything by ourselves again, with only two or three kind souls who helped out. Four, they rushed our production number for the next day's final examination in another class. There were plenty of time last week, the week before and they did nothing. If I was only blessed with the talent to dance, then I would have initiated everything. Five, they wanted me to make a backdraft for tomorrow's event but they didn't hand me any money or materials for it. So, am  I supposed to spend for it myself? No way! I'm already short on budget this week because of that dang project. I will do the labor, give me everything with extra toppings on it. >:-< Fudge you, I won't budge...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Photoshop Lessons & Humanities Class

For the past two weeks, we had lessons about photography and photoshop in our humanities class. I really enjoyed it since I have been using photoshop since I was in elementary school. Of course, I still had much to learn and I did learn a lot from my professor and fellow classmates. Here are two similar works i did, the first one as a trial and the second one the one I passed to my professor.

BG - Credit to: http: b-squaredstock [link] 
Glass - Credit to: http: 'radioPooh [link]

Glass - Credit to: http: 'radioPooh [link]
BG - Credit to: http: 

I know, I kind of messed up the glass but, can't do anything about it now can I. You can find the tutorial for this kind of pic in the net. Just search photoshop tutorial glass shot.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Class Rank

We got our midterm grade and class ranking the other day. Some cried, others held their heads high. I didn't expect that I would be in the top three, I was second. Still, I am not yet quite satisfied with my grades. I know that I need to improve my performance especially in my rotations for the next three weeks. I need proper time management since there are a lot of activities this month before our final examinations. I just hope I'll be able to straighten my bad habit slowly, even just a little.

If God permits, I would like to grab the top place in our class. Bossun, watch out for Himeko!!! XD

A photoshop work practice before we do it in our humanities class

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


"I really have a lot of unresolved issues."

I read this article from the Internet that one's willpower could only last so long. I get his point. Eventually, everything will reach exhaustion. Just like the human body and its responses. However positive we view things now, there will come a time that we would not have enough willpower to think so. When it does happen, everything will come rushing down like an avalanche.

Maybe it's me not being able to open up to others or my tendency to cast my issues aside and focus on what is right in front of me. But only one thing is sure, I have not gotten over all of those issues yet. Someday, I hope I will.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I honestly hated our CI during our first day in the rotation. How she called us idiots, and that it's a wonder how we got through to third year. She won't even listen when I was trying to explain that we did not have that many rotations before so we did not have enough time to actually put our skills into practice.

Most of my classmates were scolded because they were late. Why? Well, they were actually early but was waiting at the wrong place.

We were assigned to the Trauma area. There weren't many people so we cleaned the place, got familiar with things we would use. We even got to place bed sheets. I was able to do an ID and 2 IM injections.

The day was pretty much benign except for 3-4 persons who came later on.

I was almost late. Good thing my groupmates helped me put my things on. Our CI asked us what we have read. My classmate already said most of the things I knew so when it was my turn to recite, I was forced to just tell a really separate topic I read a long time ago. That was a wrong move. I should have just told her procedures I read about. But I was scared...scared that she would drag me later and let me do it on my own. I haven't had experience doing some procedures in real people so it's really nerve wracking.

This day, we were assigned to the OB-Gyne area. Again with the benign area. There were only a few pregnant women and some who have problems with their reproductive system. There, we met two students from FEU. They were kind and easy to talk to but I limit talking because I'm afraid our CI will see us and tell us we're slacking.

Suddenly, we had a quiz. A 100 item quiz. I knew some of it but not to the extent that it would be a total breeze. We needed the help of some nurses in the area too. Unfortunately, we were only given 10 minutes to answer so I was not able to finish answering all of it. I only missed the last item, which is the part I really read because it was related to my area.

I'm not really good with kids. But this time, I managed fairly well. It's all thanks to my Clifford puppet, balloon glove, and penlight!

The pediatrics area only had two patients and they were ordered to go home after the physician received their lab results. We were told to help at the internal medicine area. There were a lot of people and a lot of things to do.

Our official assignment to the internal medicine area. I heard a lot of things from my clients. This is the day we had our oral revalida, epic realizations, a whole drama. I almost cried but was able to hold it in. Then our group went to a little escapade in a nearby mall to unwind. There, I realized this infatuation with my groupmate, bossun. XDD

I'm not sure but we were all expected to flunk this area in exchange for values we wouldn't have developed anywhere else.

Humanities Class Trip to the National Museum-Art Gallery

Venue: National Museum
Date: July 16, 2011

As part of our art appreciation, our humanities class went on a trip to the National Museum - National Art Gallery. It holds the famous Spoliarium by Filipino Artist Juan Luna. Also, different arts from artists like Amorsolo and Hidalgo.

There is NO ENTRANCE FEE if you want to visit the national museum. There are a lot of great paintings, sculptures and relics inside that really deserves a wow.

"The Origin"
Can you believe this is done using watercolor?
Cameras are allowed inside as long as you don't use flash because it could damage the artworks displayed inside.

The whole class with the Spoliarium in the background
Thanks to my classmate, Jedd, for the photos~


A lot has been going on that I wasn't even able to open my account here...anyways, just to keep up with everything, ...

>we went to the National Museum
>we just finished our Rotation
>I haven't read anything for our long exams tomorrow...I'm still hoping they would suspend classes.
>People think I got thinner...I dunno...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fathers' Day

When: June 19, 2011
Where: Seasons Restaurant, Manila Pavilion Hotel

We went out to an eat-all-you-can restaurant to celebrate Fathers' Day. Well, it wasn't much of an eat-all-you-can for me because I really need to watch what I eat. The foods' were great though!

Oh! As you can see, I was wearing my Soft Kitty shirt from Just sharing...:p