Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Party

The backdraft we spent two nights
with little tiring
I don’t have enough energy to tell every single detail of our Year-end party since I’ve been sleep deprived for three days so I’ll be cutting things short with what happened.
-I was in campus by 6:35am with two unread messages, 2 missed calls, all from my partner in decorating the room, Jan Mae (jamae), and a huge paperbag with most of my stuffs in it.
A centerpiece for our room. The
color scheme resembles Mexico's
flag doesn't it?
 -As we prepare the room, with all sorts of thingies, one by one, some of our classmates arrived. There were some problems but we managed to get everyone’s cooperation so everything worked out in the end.
-Mel arrived later than expected and she was wearing a really girly top. I asked her if she would like to put some make-up on to match her outfit. With little persuading, she said yes.
-It was hard to make Mel close her eyes and relax. She was having these tremors when attempting to maintain her eyes closed. Still, she tried hard to achieve what we needed.
-When I finished with her make-up, she said that she couldn’t believe her reflection in the mirror is really her.
-On my part, I had fun applying her make-up on because of her fair skin. She didn’t have any problem when it comes to color combinations.
Candy canes without the white part
-The party started with a prayer, and then the games.  First was a girl holds a lollipop near her navel and a guy will suck the lollipop until it is no more. The next games were modified charades, pinoy henyo,and  egg catching.
-After eating our foods, we watched different performances by the girls’ and the boys’ representatives, and the acting committee’s drama.
-Oh, I can’t forget all the MOE scenes I saw as the guys danced. There were touching here and there, close faces, seductive hugging…Kyaaa!! The BL~ <3
-The drama lasted for an hour and a half but there were so many gags that we would be able to handle more if our adviser doesn’t need to go someplace else at 3pm.
-As for the exchange gifts, I wasn’t able to get mine because the one who was supposed to give it to me had a contest to attend and didn’t even bother leaving my present to someone else. BUMMER!
-Except for the exchange gift, the party was a blast. My attire was also well complimented by my professor and my classmates. FUN FUN FUN!!!
2nd Semester SY 2010-2011

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