Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Shoes & Another Necklace

Hey, I was out today with one of my college classmates to buy something for someone. We managed to go around 4 malls in a day. It was tiring. My feet almost died.

Anyway, the day was somehow productive for me. You see, I consulted my family if I should buy another shoes that I could use in and out of school. So I bought another one during this day's trip.

Black Flats from City Girl

Also, since we got as far as SM Megamall, we stopped by Forever21 where I bought another necklace I found interesting.

Necklace from Forever 21

After some more walks, we decided to go home. >_<
This post is a little short but bear with me because I don't want to go on and on about things I myself find insignificant. Haha.

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