Thursday, December 2, 2010

A March to Free the 43 Health Workers and an Emergency?! Well, Almost.

I am not really fond of joining marches for many reasons. Some of which are:
  • There are many people. I do not like it when there are too many people where I am. It just annoys me. For some reason, it just does.
  • It's hot. Most marches are done either in the late morning of early afternoon. I am working on getting my skin color even so it would not be a good idea to stay out in the sun for long.
  • My skin is sensitive to too much heat or cold. Either way, it gets dried and I have to apply moisturizing lotion over and over.
  • People will reek after some time. Of course, people will be walking and naturally they will perspire and when they do, some bacteria will be so delighted.
Anyhow, I did not write just to discuss that so going back on the topic. 

We were told to attend, as part of our activity in class, a march of advocacy to free the 43 health workers who are being held prisoners because of an accusation that they were making bombs with the training they were doing as a facade. I have to admit that I, too, viewed the same opinions as those who organized the march. It is too unjust to imprison a group of people without a really hard evidence. 

We walked from the University of Santo Tomas to Mendiola Peace Arch. It was a very perspiring, tiring, feet-burning walk. We were screaming, "Free Dr. Merry, Free the 43! 43 Health Workers, Palayain! Free! Free! Free the 43!", as we go our way. Actually, there was a bit of fun especially when some of the motorists got caught up in the wave of the crowd. We literally trapped cars within our group!

Our necessity to be there ended at noon. Understandable because that was the end of our class with our professor. We all headed back to school afterwards just to find out that we wouldn't be able to meet our prof for the last subject. We headed home.

As I walk with my classmates, I saw two figures along the wall of Intramuros. When I looked at them hard enough, it was Mary and Anna Marie(AM). I walked to them and found out that Mary had an attack (she hyperventilates when put under too much stress). I decided to stay with them until some time since I didn't really want to  go home during the rush hours. We stayed at a nearby store and chatted to calm things down a bit. AM was such a failure when I told her that I have a lower respiratory tract infection(LRTI) so I have a cold. It was supposed to be an LRTI and cough but she got lost between my words and started wondering what would be the right combination. That made Mary and I settle down and laugh at AM. When Mary regained some of her spirit and strength, we headed home.

Oh, I almost forgot. Just to keep track of things, we get to tease CG so baaaaad today. ^_^ We paired her with one of our classmate and made her our destressor for the whole class. BAAAAAD!!!!

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